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Á propos de nous

décembre 20, 2023 by Patricia Saravessi

Opened in April 2018, the Atelier is a not-for-profit, member-based organization. It is an inclusive bilingual space (physical and virtual) for collaboration, training, knowledge-sharing, and support for social innovations. We form part of an innovative ecosystem at Saint Paul University alongside the Élisabeth Bruyère School of Social Innovation and the Centre for Research on Inequalities and Social Transformations (CRITS). The Atelier’s members are stakeholders in the field of social innovation: students, researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs and local communities.

In collaboration with our partners, the Atelier offers training; professional support; opportunities for visibility and; funding to individuals and initiatives pioneering new organizational models, social practices and tools for civic engagement to be used in the fight against social inequalities and various forms of oppression. 

Our Vision

To become a catalyst for social innovation and social transformation.

Our Mission

The Atelier is an inclusive bilingual space for collaboration, training, knowledge-sharing, and support for social innovations particularly within the greater Ottawa-Gatineau region.

Our Objectives

  • Accueillir, accompagner et soutenir les projets d’innovation sociale qui répondent aux besoins de leurs communautés.
  • Promouvoir des initiatives qui visent à contrer les inégalités et la pauvreté de manière efficiente et durable.
  • Faire converger les initiatives d’innovation sociale avec la recherche en cours tout en facilitant l’échange et la diffusion de pratiques et de savoirs.

Our Values

  • Engagement
  • Collaboration
  • Justice sociale

The Atelier is an inclusive space that welcomes folx of all gender and sexuality identities.

Alongside Faculty Associations, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Ontario Federation of Labour, and many unions and associations across Canada, the Atelier stands in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in their right to access inclusive and culturally safe education and healthcare, including gender-affirming care. We support practices and policies to make schools safer and more inclusive for 2SLGBTQIA+ folxs. The Atelier condemns hate-motivated actions to undermine progress made in ensuring a positive learning environment for all students.

Check out our Équipe et conseil d'administration.

Inclusive pride flag